Our Vision For Harbor Homes Center

The Harbor Homes Center is envisioned as a safe haven that ensures everyone who walks through its doors feels respected, valued, and hopeful for the future. As a winter shelter and educational hub, it will provide not only a roof over island resident’s heads during the cold months, but also a place where individuals can find solace, community, and the resources necessary to rebuild their lives.

Services Offered

Harbor Homes has offered ESL classes, access to life skills training, and access to health screenings among other valuable resources. Having a permanent, year-round location will allow Harbor Homes to expand these services and hopefully support the island’s unhoused in a more comprehensive way. During spring and summer, the center will offer a variety of workshops and classes that cover essential topics such as financial literacy, job readiness, and personal wellness.


  • Martha’s Vineyard Community Services generously offered ‘Building A’ to us for the past three winters. Unfortunately, the building is slated to be torn down in February 2025 as MVCS expands their campus and services to the community.

  • 112 Dukes County Ave

    Oak Bluffs, MA 02557