Hotel Respite


The Hotel Respite program provides emergency shelter for medically fragile individuals who are homeless and low income families who suddenly lose their housing .  It has operated in the off season, October - May, in collaboration with local hotels.  Participants are housed in single room occupancy rooms in a local motel/hotel that is on the bus line, near convenience stores, and close to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Referrals to the program have come from MV Hospital, MV Community Services, the Dukes County Social Service Caseworker, the Island clergy and the Council on Aging.  Funding for the program is through donations and grants.  

Harbor Homes is responsible for reviewing referrals, partnering with local hotels to identify a comfortable placement for hotel respite participants, and collaborating with other community services that help address the health and mental needs of hotel respite participants.  For example, an individual with significant mobility, nutrition and/or health needs may have Meals on Wheels deliver food daily to the hotel or receive special transportation to dialysis.  Participants with permanent, chronic and/or temporary health issues may be eligible.  In some instances, it has been critical to provide safe, sanitary housing for individuals who are recovering from an injury or illness who would otherwise be homeless and not have access to heat or potable water.